Messenger Configuration

Before configuring this section, you must have an App created in Meta and a Facebook Page. See the instructions here.

The configuration file for Messenger is located at config/platforms/messenger.rb

Kogno::Application.configure do |config|
  config.messenger.graph_url = ""

  config.messenger.pages = {
    "YOUR_FANPAGE_ID" => {
      name: "YOUR_FANPAGE_NAME",
      token: "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
    # "YOUR_2ND_FANPAGE_ID" => {
    #   name: "YOUR_2ND_FANPAGE_NAME",
    #   token: "YOUR_2ND_ACCESS_TOKEN"
    # }

  config.messenger.webhook_route = "/webhook_messenger"
  config.messenger.webhook_verify_token = "<YOUR_VERIFY_TOKEN>"
  config.routes.post_comment = :main

  config.routes.recurring_notification = :main

  config.messenger.whitelisted_domains = [

  config.messenger.persistent_menu =  [
      locale: :default,
      composer_input_disabled: false,
      call_to_actions: [
          title: "Title",
          type: :postback,
          payload: "your_context/a_payload_in_the_context"
          title: "Title2",
          type: :postback,
          payload: "your_payload"

  config.messenger.welcome_screen_payload = "GET_STARTED"

  config.messenger.greeting = [
      locale: :default,
      text: "Hello word."

  config.messenger.ice_breakers = [
      question: "Question 1?",
      payload: "context/payload"
      question: "Question 2",
      payload: "payload_two"


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